Brukerveiledning for SimulatorGolf
Hvis du aldri har spilt innendørsgolf før – eller om du ikke har spilt på en stund – er dette en Brukerveiledning for SimulatorGolf. Hva kan man gjøre på en simulator?
Hvis du vil terpe på spillet ditt og dykke ned i dataene, er Target Practice Range-funksjonen perfekt.
Hvis du er på utkikk etter en litt rolig moro med venner og familie, kan du prøve et spill som Bullseye eller Magic Pond.
I tillegg, ikke glem at det er mer enn 180 (og det er flere) av verdens beste baner i TrackMans virtuelle banebibliotek, hver og en gjengitt med imponerende detaljer for naturtro spillbarhet.

To save time, download the TrackMan Golf app before your session.
TrackMan Golf is the app for all your TrackMan activities. The app brings together data from your sessions, so you can access your stats from your phone every time you play and practice, track your improvements, regardless of your skill level. This is where better golf starts.
Please follow the appropriate link below, based on the type of device you own.
Åpne appen og klikk ‘Create Trackman Profile’, eller ‘sign in’ hvis du allerede har en profil.

Entering the facility
When you make a booking, you will receive an email from The email will contain your personal access code, which you can use at the front door to enter.
Please note: your code will only work if you have a paid booking.
Computer Power On
The computer may be sleeping. Simply move the mouse to wake it up.
If the computer is off, press the power button to turn it on. You do not need to log on or enter a password to use the computer. Simply continue as a ‘guest’.
Projector Power On
The projector will often turn on automatically. If it doesn’t, use the remote control to turn it on. You only need to press the power button, nothing more.
Enter Trackman & Log In
Double click on the Trackman icon on the computer desktop:

Tip: If you can’t find what you’re looking for, click ‘ALL ACTIVITIES’ in the top left:

Shot Analysis
All of the best players in the world now use a launch monitor to better understand their swing. Trackman provides as much or as little information as you can handle.
In Shot Analysis, some of the important numbers you can start tracking include:
- Swing speed
- Club path
- Carry distance
- Total distance
Target Practice Range
Trackman also has a popular virtual practice area called Target Practice Range, where you can practice shots with every club in the bag, from small pitches to long drives.
On Course Practice
Prefer to practice out on the course? You can choose any hole from the Trackman library to practice on some of the most famous holes in the world!

Virtual Golf
This is the most popular activity at our centres. Trackman has 100s of the best golf courses in the world available for virtual play.
Make sure you select the right tee to match your playing ability. You can also adjust the pin locations, green speed, and even the wind in the settings before you play. More information is available here:
Trackman has interactive games for all golfers, from kids to the more serious players. Check out the selection of games in the main menu:

Noen turneringer er åpne for alle, og vil ligge tilgjengelige i simulatoren for alle. Alle kan spille en turnering som ligger åpen, men man MÅ være logget inn på maskinen for at resultatet skal være tellende.
Andre turneringer er laget for lukkede grupper, og man kommer kun inn i disse dersom man er invitert og har meldt seg på. Hvis man er påmeldt, og logger inn når man kommer til senteret, blir denne turneringen synlig på skjermen.
Invitasjon Denne kommer på e-post, og man MÅ registrere seg via lenken i e-posten for å være med i turneringen. Pass på at invitasjonen sendes på samme e-post som du bruker i Trackman profilen din, ellers vil ikke invitasjonen lenkes mot din profil.

Simulatorgolf AS | Telefon: 994 22 538 | E-post: